Why take a course to learn about money?
I want to tell you a story about how I learnt to manage my money. When I was about 28 years old, I
had a job that paid me a hefty amount of money for work that didn’t require that kind of pay.
Though the job was mentally taxing and required me to be physically present for most part of my
waking hours, I still thought it paid me more than required. This left me with a lot of leftover money
at the end of the month. I know you are thinking, “Who complains about that?”
I wasn’t complaining either, but I knew there was something better I could do with all this extra
money. So I asked everyone around me to help figure out what to do with it. To my surprise, most
people I knew, had no idea what to do with this money. And the ones who “claimed to know”,
always seemed to contradict each other’s ideas and ended up having lengthy arguments about why
they were right – never reaching a solution to my problems. Thats when my boss decided, enough is
enough, let’s ask someone who has been investing for a while, how it is done. So he spoke to a
friend who was kind enough to share what knowledge he had on investing.
That’s how it got started for me. A one-hour session with a friend that got me hooked on to all the
possibilities to create wealth. Mind you, all these opportunities where available online, in books and
in courses much before I took this session. I just wasn’t looking for it in right direction. What this
session did for me, is point me in the right direction.
That is exactly what Mintelligent’s course on money would do for you. It will just point you in the
right direction. From there on, it is still the decisions you make with your money, that will determine
the kind of life you get to live.
Consider Mintelligent to be a compass in the “World of Money”. Wherever your destination may be
in this world, you can find your way there as long as you are holding on to the compass at all times.
For a complete newbie in this world, you haven’t been told that there is a device called a compass
available. So you’ve been running pillar-to-post, trying to find your destination. You will take the
help of people you meet to figure out how they reached their money destination, but their
destination may be different from yours. You may check out a map made by people before you (so
you don’t make the same money mistakes) but without a compass you could be moving in circles.
You may wait for the sunrise everyday but you could be waiting a long time.
Here is where the Mintelligent compass comes in. With this compass (read courses), you know you
are headed in the general direction of your money destination. Now, with the help of your people
(friends, family, mentors), your maps (books, courses, websites) and your sunrises (income, assets,
investments), you’ll definitely get to your destination sooner.
At Mintellgent, we don’t just hand you the compass. We also teach you how to use it.
From there on, you choose to be the kind of traveler you want to be in this World of Money. If you
are an adventure seeker, you will be willing to take more risk than others. If you love to plan every
minute of your travel, you find peace in knowing what’s coming your way next. If you are a nature
lover, you will consciously look out for places with beautiful landscapes. Wherever direction you
choose to go, you will always have a compass in your mind, that only points North.